
Collaborative Seeing

The practice I call "collaborative seeing" is a key part of my methodology and has evolved over the course of my research.

As a founding member of the Collaborative Seeing Studio, I am dedicated to working with others to cultivate expanded ways of doing visual research. These include acknowledging different ways seeing, listening to, feeling, re-representing, re-arranging and re-purposing images to engage in research and communicate what we have learned.

Here is a lecture about Collaborative Seeing as it pertained to my project:


Here are articles specifically related to my methodology:

Luttrell, W. “A camera is a big responsibility:’ a lens for analyzing children’s visual voices,” in Visual Studies, Vol. 25, No. 3, December 2010: 224-237.

Fontaine, C. and Luttrell, W. (2015). Re-centering the Role of Care in Young People’s Multimodal Literacies: A Collaborative Seeing Approach. In Negotiating Spaces for Literacy Learning: Multimodality and Governmentality, edited by M, Hamilton, R. Heydon, K. Hibbert, R. Stooke) Bloomsbury Books. 43-56.

Restler, V. and Luttrell, W. (2018). Gaze Interrupted: Speaking Back to Stigma with Visual Research. In The SAGE Handbook of Youth Work Practice edited by Pam Alldred, Fin Cullen, Kathy Edwards & Dana Fusco. 454-470.

Luttrell, W. and Clark, E. (2018). Replaying Our Process: Video/Art Making and Research. Qualitative Inquiry, 24, 10, 775-785.
Victoria Restler, Wendy Luttrell and David Chapin,“A Place to be Together: Cultivating Spaces of Not Knowing in Visual Analysis: The Collaborative SeeingStudio,” in Outlines. Critical Perspectives. Vol. 22, No.1: 23-48, 2021.

Victoria Restler, Wendy Luttrell and David Chapin,“A Place to be Together: Cultivating Spaces of Not Knowing in Visual Analysis: The Collaborative SeeingStudio,” in Outlines. Critical Perspectives. Vol. 22, No.1: 23-48, 2021.